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تهانينا يا شعب مصر العظيم DryahyaTV from USA, Congratulates Arabs from the Ocean to the Gulf, for the Egyptian Revolution success in regaining Arab dignity and pride.تلفزيون الدكتور يحيى من أمريكا يهني الشعوب العربية بنجاح ثورة شباب مصر العربية *** شكرا يا شباب مصر لإعادة الكرامة العربية التي ضلت طريقها لسنوات طويلة *** تحية إكبار وتعظيم لثورة مصر من تلفزيون الدكتور يحيى في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ***

TO READ Dr. Yahya's BOOKS, Go to AMAZON, or Target, -- ARAB - TV from USA * DRYAHYATV webpage * Dr. HASAN A. YAHYA is the Dean of Arab Writers in North America. He's an Arab American Writer, published 66 books on amazon, Children Books, short stories in Arabic and English, sociology, politics, psychology, poetry, science, religion, Arabs and Muslims plus 500 plus articles on the Internet, facebook, Twitter, and Utube media visit **** THANK YOU for visiting DRYAHYATV webpage.

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Today’s Article *************************
8  Article 361: Expected Scenarios in Egypt, USA and Israel are the Winners
Hasan A. Yahya, Ph.ds, the Honorable Dean of Arab writers in North America. 

In both scenarios, of the Egyptian uprising, political analysts can come up with the conclusion that the United States of America and  Israel are the winners. This statement has legitimate logic, wither the Head of the  state leaves, or gives up his authorities to his vice president and stay aside. These analysts believe that both solutions at the end, bring relief for both the United States of America, and Israel, for simple reason, Israeli-Egyptian relations to continue its past policies in what they called “peace” with Israel. (534 words)  Read More
   Today’s Article *************************
  Article 356: Egyptian  Uprising and the French Revolution
Hasan Yahya, Ph.Ds, Professor of Sociology

Political upheaval that began in France in 1789 eventually affected the whole world.  What’s going in Egypt may change the political face of many Arab countries. Historians differ widely as to its causes. Some see it as an intellectual movement, born from the liberal Enlightenment of the past century. Some  see it as a rebellion of the underprivileged classes against feudal oppression; a third some see it as the assertion of the new capitalist bourgeoisie against an outdated and restricted social and economic system. As I said in my previous article, France was ruled by two privileged classes, the nobility and clergy who refused to give up any of their privileges and supplemented their dwindling funds by exacting dues from the more productive bourgeoisie.  But the immediate cause of the French Revolution was with no doubt, the bankrupt state of the public treasury. (320 words).  Read More


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