DryahyaTV webpage,تلفزيون الدكتور يحيى ، Dr. Hasan A. Yahya is an Arab American Writer, الدكتور حسن يحيى أديب وكاتب أمريكي من أصل عربي، Read his 50 books on Amazon, on Children Books, short stories in Arabic and English, sociology, politics, psychology, poetry, science, religion, Arabs and Muslims, إقرأ كتب المؤلف على أمازون ، قصص أطفال، قصص قصيرة بالعربية والإنجليزية ، علم اجتماع، علم نفس، سياسة، أديان، عرب ومسلمون، أشعار عربية ، مقالات سياسية DryahyaTV webpage,.  Thank you for visiting DryahyaTV webpageو شكرا لزيارة تلفزيون الدكتور حسن يحيى .

                        DryahyaTV is a  privately owned by Prof. Hasan  A. Yahya**********                 

Dr.Yahya TV. An Arab TV Channel Broadcasting  from Michigan – USA ******

Why DryahyaTV in the USA?

An  owner of famous magazine, in New York, once wrote : “In modern day society less than fifty corporations own most of the output of daily newspapers and most of the sales and audience in magazines, broadcasting, books, and movies. The fifty men and women who head these corporations would fit in a large room. They constitute a new Private Ministry of Information and culture.”

Each citizen's fate anywhere, I believe, is shaped by powerful forces in distant places. The individual now depends on great machines of information and imagery that inform and instruct. The modern systems of news, information, and popular culture are not marginal artifacts of technology. They shape the consensus of society. It is a truism among political scientists that while it is not possible for the media to tell the population what to think, they do tell the public what to think about. What is reported enters the public agenda. What is not reported may not be lost forever, but it may be lost at a time when it is most needed. More than any other single private source and often more than any other government source, the fifty dominant media corporations can set the national agenda.

Arabs, like most people, get images of the world from their newspapers, magazines, radio, television, books, and movies. The mass media become the authority at any given moment for what is true and what is false, what is reality and what is fantasy, what is important and what is trivial. There is no greater force in shaping the public mind; even brute force triumphs only by creating an accepting attitude toward the brutes.Thus, DryahyaTV was established by professor Yahya to serve Arabs and non-Arabs alike. To acquire knowledge, about life and sciences in a fun way, he calls, reality rather than imagination.

In addition to the existing Arab Channels like, Iqra' Channel, al-Jazeerah, al-Arabiyyah, MBC, Egypt's Drama, Dream, LBC, Future, NBM, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, etc., DryahyaTV is a new channel type, taking almost all purposes of other channels, it is in the Middle of all, covers sociology, politics, psychology, short stories, and poems produced by Professor Yahya through the years. It brings smile, happiness and satisfaction over life by introducing new and may be bold ideas for the youth in the Arab countries. It is the belief of Dr. Yahya in communication, where his Encyclopedic knowledge written in books, and shown in Videos, and articles, on the Internet, should reach those who might benefit from and learn. The belief that knowledge is power, is true for Dr. Yahya. It is expected, however, to create an interested educated audience which is increasing in recent years after the technology progress of internet in the Arab as well as non Arab countries and their direction toward understanding other cultures.  Dryahya, expects responses from the audience, he can be reached through email at: info@dryahyatv.com  or askdryahya@yahoo.com   (Hasan Yahya)



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Tags: Arab TV, DryahyaTV, Iqra' Channel, al-Jazeerah, al-Arabiyyah, MBC, Egypt's Drama, Dream, LBC, Future, NBM, Abu Dhabi,Dubai, al-Manar, Hasan Yahya, askdryahya,Muslims, entertainment, fun, sociology, psychology, books, English, articles, History, Islam,films, plays, songs,Children, Family, Love and Marriage.