Prof. Hasan Yahya's Books

مؤلفات الدكتور حسن يحيى

6 books on Sociology -- 5 books on Poetry – 5 books Short Stories --  4 books on Psychology ,

3 books on Sexuality and Cultures – 2 books 4 Kids


Modern Arabic Poetry-h.y شعر حسن يحيى

Therapy Cases- - - - ------غير القادرين   حالات

28 Short Arabic Stories-  ثمانية وعشرون قصة قصيرة

55 Stories 4 Kids خمس وخمسون قصة للأطفال

Tales from America-Ar. حكايات من أمريكا

Research Methods Arabic مناهج البحث العلمي

Zawjat lil-Bay' Short Stories زوجات للبيع – قصص

Applied Sociology -------- علم اجتماع مقارن

2000 Bayt Arabic Poetry ألفين بيت من الشعر العربي

Al-Zawaj wal-Jins Fil Aalam  الزواج والجنس في العالم

Crescentology & Human Nature-Ar. النظرية الهلالية

Zawjatu-al-Sultan - Ar زوجة السلطان  قصص عربية

Diwan Bahril Amani- ---ديوان بحر الأماني - شعر

Maqalat Ijtimaiyya----  مقالات حول التنمية

Diwan al-Qadar- - --  -  ديوان القدر - شعر    

Arabic IQ Test Measurement .قياسات الذكاء

Crescentology Theory C.- English.

Poetry Diwan  - -  -- English

The Beast in Me, America - English.

Personality & Stress Management-English.

Arab & Islamic Ethics - Bilingual

Legal Adultery  Sexuality & World Cultures-- English

Moon Flowers English --- English


Arab Palestinians & JEWS-English


















:The Author

Hasan Yahya is an American Arab scholar, and a professor of sociology. He published 27 plus books and 200 plus articles on sociology, psychology, politics, poetry, IQ Test Measurement and short stories in both Arabic and English. His articles may be found on, Face book and other internet sites. His recent book published on Amazon titled: Legal Adultery: Sexuality & World Cultures. (English) and Lawlaki: Poetry Diwan, Tales and articles, 2000 Bayt Min al-Shi'r al-Arabi. (Arabic). (all on amazon- 2009). His recent activities reflects his talents and knowledge on youtube’s under the name of askdryahya. Dr. Yahya resides in Michigan, USA. And have eight grandchildren.


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